Journal Articles
The Anaang Language in Education, Beyond Academic Prowess
By Udoh, I. I. (2010), A Festschrift in Honor of Chief Ernest Elijah Etim (1933-2000), ed. Felicia Etim, Uyo: Abaam Publishing Co. DOWNLOAD
An Acoustic Study of Fortis versus Lenis Labial-velar Stops in Leggbó
By Udoh, I. and Larson, J. (2005), USEM Journal of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, 1:1-14.DOWNLOAD
Ethical Issues and Rights to Fieldwork Linguistic Data
By Udoh, I. I. (2010). Journal of Nigerian English and Literature (JONEL), vol. 8, pp 37-51. DOWNLOAD
Weak contexts and place holders in Leggbó
By Udoh, I. I. (2014). USEM Journal of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, vol. 6. DOWNLOAD
Fortition and reduplication in Leggbó Ideophones
By Udoh, I. I. (2007). Journal of African Languages and Linguistics (JALL), 28.1, pp 57-70. DOWNLOAD
Maintaining a Healthy Study Habit in the Secondary School
By Udoh, I. I. (2005). Journal of Applied Literacy and Reading, 2:91-98. DOWNLOAD
The Niger Delta Languages of Nigeria and the Challenges of the 21st Century
By Udoh, I. I. (2001-2004). Journal of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria (JOLAN), vol 8. pp118-123.Ghost Consonants and Lenition in Leggbó
By Udoh, I. I. (2004a). Journal of West African Languages, 31.1, pp 47-63.
Leggbó Compounds, Kiabara
By Udoh, I. I. (2004). Journal of Humanities, vol. 10.1 pp 45-58.Languages of Cross River State
By Udoh, I. I. (2003b). Uyo Journal of Humanities, vol. 8, pp 87-109. DOWNLOAD
The Minority Languages and Under-development: The Case of Ibibio
By Udoh, I. I. (1999). Journal of Languages, Literature and Communication, vol. 1.2, pp 1-17.Vowel Deletion in Anaang
By Udoh, I. I. (1996). Journal of Humanities, vol. 5, pp. 36-51. DOWNLOAD
A Good Foundation for L2: The Case of Leggbó and English
By Udoh, I. I. (1989b) L1 .CASIL, vol. 9, pp. 39-51.Teaching Initial Reading in the Mother-tongue: A Case of Ibibio
By Udoh, I. I. (1993b). Literacy and Reading vol. 6, pp. 169-182. DOWNLOADThe Significance of Leggbó Words
By Udoh, I. I. (1993a). Journal of Humanities, vol. 3, pp. 54-61. DOWNLOAD
Teaching Reading Skills in the Junior Secondary Schools
By Udoh, I. I. (1989a). Literacy and Reading, vol. 4. pp. 400-407. DOWNLOAD
Temporality and tense expression in Leggbó
By Udoh, I.; Narrog, H.; & Anyanwu, O. 2016. California Linguistic Notes. Vl 40(2):85-106 and promotion of indigenous Nigerian languages as utility vessels of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS)
By Udoh, I & Anyanwu, O. (2015). Awka Journal of Linguistics and Languages (AJILL), 9, pp 1-18. DOWNLOAD
Unifying Speech Resources for Tone Languages: A Computational Perspective
By Ekpenyong, M. E.; Urua, E. E.; Ekong, V. J.; Obot, O. U. and Udoh, I. (2011). International Journal of Computing & Information Sciences, 3.2:19-31.Length Harmony in Leggbó: A Counter Universal?
By Hyman, L. M. and Udoh, I. (2007). Linguistische Berichte Sonderheft, vol 14, pp 73-92. DOWNLOAD
Relic Noun Class Structure in Leggbó
By Hyman, L. M. and Udoh, I. (2006), Studies in African Linguistics, (SAL) Supplement 11, pp 75-99.
Elements of Space Grammar in Leggbó
By Narrog, H. and Udoh, I. (2005). Journal of Asian and African Studies No. 69, 3, pp 25-63. DOWNLOAD
An Acoustic Study of Fortis versus Lenis Labial-velar Stops in Leggbó
By Udoh, I. and Larson, J. (2005). USEM Journal of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, 1:1-14.Tone Mapping in Leggbó
By Hyman, Larry and Imelda Udoh (2003). Frankfurter Africanistsische Blatter 15, pp 121-139.Language and Interdisciplinary Research.
By Udoh, I. I. (2013). Journal of Nigerian English and Literature. Vol. 10:38-46. DOWNLOAD