
Authored | Reviewed | Edited | Co-Edited

Books Edited

The Languages of the South East Zone of Nigeria: A Geopolitical Profile

Udoh, I. I. L. (2004b)

Lagos: Concept Publications Ltd.

About The Book

The Languages of the South-East Zone of Nigeria: A Geopolitical Profile is a linguistic survey of the area in focus, comprising Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo States,with a view to providing a database for the languages of the zone, and assisting interested persons in describing and documenting them. lt is aimed at identifying endangered languages so that they can be saved from extinction because of their sociocu ltu ral relevance. . This is the second in the series. The ?rst being The Languages of the South-South Zone of Nigeria: A Geo- political Pro?le (2003). The author plans a similar analysis for the remaining four zones, namely, South-West, North-East, North-Central and North-West.

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The Languages of the South South Zone of Nigeria: A Geopolitical Profile

Udoh, I. I. L. (2003g)

Lagos: Concept Publications Ltd.

The Languages of the South-South Zone of Nigeria: A Geopolitical Profile is a linguistic survey of the area in focus, comprising Akwa Ibom, Cross River, Delta, Edo. and Rivers State. It is aimed at providing a databse for the lanuages of the zone and assisting interested persons in producing orthographies, grammars, dictionaries, references material and other language tools and resources for such languages. The book also seeks to idetify endangered languages so that they can be saved from extinction because of the sociocultural relevance of languages to our environment. It is the first of such effort which will also involve the other five geopolitical zones of Nigeria, namely: South East, South West, North-East, North-West and North Central

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